Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Trayvon Martin's Killer George Zimmerman Previously Reported Suspicious Black 7-Year-Old To 911

Trayvon Martin

The more information that is released on George Zimmerman, the individual that killed defenseless 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, for walking in his own family's neighborhood, the more it becomes clear that he is a paranoid racist, with a serious aversion to black people. Zimmerman equates being black with guilt and crime.

So much so, prior to murdering poor Martin, Zimmerman called 911 on April 22, 2011 to report a suspicious black 7-year-old, seeking police assistance. That says it all. He is deranged. The police department in Sanford, Florida should have arrested Zimmerman long ago, as his conduct was menacing, disturbing the peace and fraudulently usurping police resources, which is a serious crime the taxpayers footed the bill for.

There have been stories in the press of police and FBI in different parts of America, arresting people that called them too much. It is a crime to do such a thing, but Zimmerman mysteriously got away with it - 49 times in one year, complaining about black men and black children with no penalty. Something is very wrong with that. Filing a fraudulent police complaint is a crime. The Sanford police department bears liability in this fact.

Trayvon's Cries for Help Right Before Being killed (Enhanced)

As a victim of crimes that mostly occurred in Florida as well, including being stalked, I am familiar with the law and can identify Zimmerman's conduct as aggravated stalking. Plainly put, you cannot stalk an individual for any reason, then confront them. There is no provision in the law for that.

Martin was not trespassing on a public street, nor was he answerable to Zimmerman. The law says the person you stalk and confront has the right to kick your butt, not the other way around, as Zimmerman is trying to claim. Zimmerman had no business following then confronting Martin. That is aggravated stalking and murder. Martin's death is squarely Zimmerman's fault. He is a criminal.

Let's put it another way to make it crystal clear - a private citizen cannot stalk President Obama, who is black or Vice President, Joe Biden, who is white, for walking on a private or public street, then confront them demanding to know "what are you doing here?" then add violence to the mix. You can't go around harassing people like that, then engage in acts of deadly violence. Zimmerman was out of order and deserves life in prison without the possibility of parole.


Did Trayvon Shooter Abuse 911?

On April 22, 2011, Zimmerman called to report a black male about “7-9” years old, four feet tall, with a “skinny build” and short black hair. There is no indication in the police report of the reason for Zimmerman’s suspicion of the boy.


Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Is Being Twisted And Misrepresented In The Murder Of 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin

By His Own Admission George Zimmerman Shot 17-Year-Old "Fu*king Coon" Trayvon Martin That "Ran" Away From Him

Reports Indicate Rapper Ray J Has Been Shopping Explosive Whitney Houston Sex Tapes For Cash

Shooter Called Unarmed 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin A "Fu*king Coon" Before Killing Him In Cold Blood

Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Was Killed For Being Black While Walking In Middle Class Neighborhood (Video)

Whitney Houston's Daughter Devastated At Coroner's Pronouncement Her Mom Died With Cocaine In Her System

Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon (Photo Credit: Splash)

19-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown, was spotted in public with boyfriend brother, Nick Gordon, looking very sad and upset this past Thursday, when it was announced her mom, Whitney Houston, died of a cocaine overdose and cardiac episode last month. 48-year-old Houston was found submerged in the bathtub of her Beverly Hilton hotel suite.

Once again, Bobbi Kristina and her dad, Houston's ex-husband, Bobby Brown, who are both addicted to drugs and struggle with alcoholism, need to embrace sobriety and stick with it, as their very lives depend on it. You're not too young to die of an overdose.

Whitney Houston

The kind of drug use that took place in the Houston home was very dangerous, as it involved the powerful narcotic crack cocaine that is highly addictive. Both Browns need to view sobriety as a life or death situation and keep in mind that their next hit, could be their very last. It's not worth dying over, as they have much to live for.


Coroner Rules Award Winning Singer Whitney Houston Died Of Cocaine Use, Heart Disease And Drowning

Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Is Said To Be Engaged To Adopted Brother Against Grandmother's Wishes

Reports Indicate Whitney Houston And Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Had The Same Drug Dealer

Oprah Winfrey's Interview With Whitney Houston's Family Confirmed A Few Items About The Days Leading Up To Her Death

Ray J And His Guilty Conscience Speak About The Death Of Whitney Houston

National Enquirer Publishes Whitney Houston Coffin And Death Photos

Pressure On Bobbi Kristina Brown To Look, Sing And Act Like Her Late Mother Whitney Houston

Will Bobbi Kristina Brown's Drug Use Spiral Out Of Control With The Death Of Her Mother

Whitney Houston's Family Needs To Hire A Law Firm And Accounting Agency For A Forensic Audit Of Her Finances

Whitney Houston's Ex-Husband Bobby Brown Left Her Funeral After A Dispute With Security

Whitney Houston Is The Latest Hollywood Star To Die Under Tragic Circumstances

Whitney Houston Back In Rehab As Daughter Is Arrested

Whitney Houston's Daughter Arrested For Drinking, Fighting And Gun Possession

Will Bobbi Kristina Brown Follow In Her Parents Footsteps

Report: Whitney Houston's Daughter Headed To Rehab

Lawyer Offering Bobbi Kristina Brown Secret Drug Video For Sale

Bobby Brown Denies Knowledge Of Daughter's Drug Problem

Bobbi Kristina Brown Underage Sex Tape Being Offered For Sale

Whitney Houston And Bobby Brown's Daughter Caught Snorting Cocaine On Camera

Whitney Houston's Daughter Betrayed By Ex-Boyfriend That Sold Cocaine Photos

Teen Sentenced To Life In Prison For Committing Vehicular Homicide Then Stating 'I Just Ran That Nig*er Over'

Deryl Dedmon jr

19-year-old Deryl Dedmon jr, was sentenced to life in prison this week, for the premeditated, race based vehicular homicide that claimed the life of 49-year-old African-American, James Craig Anderson. Dedmon committed the crime cruel hate crime against Anderson, whom he ran over with a truck, then stated, "I just ran that nig*er over."

The racial element of the homicide made the charges more severe, as he committed a hate crime via the slurs. His hatred of black people has cost Dedmon his freedom for the rest of his life and is something to think about while he is imprisoned. It could not have been worth it. He needs to seek God's forgiveness and change his ways.

James Craig Anderson

Dedmon's story also needs to serve as an example to racists with violent tendencies, regarding what unprovoked, undeserved hatred can mushroom into, destroying your future, while claiming an innocent life. No one deserves to be slurred, harassed, attacked, beaten or killed, because someone doesn't like their race.


Who Says Racism Is Gone When Some Still Harbor Such Hate

Space Junk Nearly Hits Astronauts Forcing Them To Flee To Capsules

This is a follow up to the 2008 articles Space Pollution and Space Pollution - Part 2. Today, space debris nearly took out a group of astronauts, forcing them to see refuge in their space capsules. Talk about a "Maalox moment." Space exploration is a fantastic concept, but each nation involved in said ventures, must do its part to minimize and clean up space junk.


Space Station Crew Scrambles as Debris Passes Nearby

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Many Turn Out For Impressive Rallies In Honor Of Slain 17-Year-Old Minor Trayvon Martin

In an impressive show of support for murdered 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, thousands of people came out to a rally in Florida, as well as other states, to protest his unjust killing, by racist self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman. The Reverend Al Sharpton organized the most recent rally in honor of the teen. The case has touched millions around the world, due to the great injustice that transpired, as unarmed Martin was stalked and summarily killed by Martin.

The killer, Zimmerman, has strangely gone missing, retreating into hiding in the face of heated global criticism over his deeds that robbed a promising young man of his life. The police need to arrest Zimmerman soon and perp walk him as well, to help quell public anger. He cannot remain free. There are many people online stating they are willing to go to prison for killing Zimmerman. He needs to be imprisoned.


Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Is Being Twisted And Misrepresented In The Murder Of 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin

By His Own Admission George Zimmerman Shot 17-Year-Old "Fu*king Coon" Trayvon Martin That "Ran" Away From Him

Reports Indicate Rapper Ray J Has Been Shopping Explosive Whitney Houston Sex Tapes For Cash

Shooter Called Unarmed 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin A "Fu*king Coon" Before Killing Him In Cold Blood

Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Was Killed For Being Black While Walking In Middle Class Neighborhood (Video)

Obama Finally Breaks His Silence On The Trayvon Martin Killing After Human Rights Groups And The Black Panthers Come Down On Him

Barack Obama

After keeping silent on the unprovoked stalking and killing of 17-year-old Miamian, Trayvon Martin, President Obama finally spoke out today stating "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" as the Commander-in-Chief was being condemned by a broad cross-section of people, from human rights groups to the Black Panthers.

Trayvon Martin

This silence once again reflects how out of touch President Obama is with the American people, as folks of many colors are angry over young Martin's senseless murder by racist George Zimmerman. This was Obama's Katrina moment and like Bush before him, he blew it.


In Florida, New Black Panthers rip Obama, Holder over Martin shooting


Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Is Being Twisted And Misrepresented In The Murder Of 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin

By His Own Admission George Zimmerman Shot 17-Year-Old "Fu*king Coon" Trayvon Martin That "Ran" Away From Him

Reports Indicate Rapper Ray J Has Been Shopping Explosive Whitney Houston Sex Tapes For Cash

Shooter Called Unarmed 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin A "Fu*king Coon" Before Killing Him In Cold Blood

Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Was Killed For Being Black While Walking In Middle Class Neighborhood (Video)

Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee Temporarily Resigns While Defending Himself And Racist Killer George Zimmerman

Since That Is His Attitude He Needn't Return To Public Office

Yesterday, Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee, temporarily resigned to, as he put it, "restore some semblance of calm to the city" after failing to properly investigate and arrest George Zimmerman in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Lee was unapologetic about his conduct, seeming to defend Zimmerman. Many are demanding his resignation be made permanent. Lee's departure comes after the city commission render a "vote of no confidence" against him.

In other news, Zimmerman, an aggressive, anger filled individual, who was previously arrested for assaulting a police officer and in a domestic violence incident, attacking his girlfriend, has been expelled from Seminole State College for "his safety and that of other students as well." Zimmerman has been in hiding since public protests erupted over his murderous conduct.


Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Is Being Twisted And Misrepresented In The Murder Of 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin

By His Own Admission George Zimmerman Shot 17-Year-Old "Fu*king Coon" Trayvon Martin That "Ran" Away From Him

Reports Indicate Rapper Ray J Has Been Shopping Explosive Whitney Houston Sex Tapes For Cash

Shooter Called Unarmed 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin A "Fu*king Coon" Before Killing Him In Cold Blood

Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Was Killed For Being Black While Walking In Middle Class Neighborhood (Video)

Only 26% Of Americans Approve Of ObamaCare

The GOP Is Vowing To Have ObamaCare Repealed

President Barack Obama

According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll, only 26% of Americans approve of ObamaCare. 42% of Americans want the entire bill thrown out (repealed, which Mitt Romney and the GOP have promised to do) while 25% voted to, "Throw out mandate and keep the rest."

Either way you look at it, most Americans dislike the bill that has greatly added to the national deficit. The Judiciary Report believes America does need a good health care bill, but ObamaCare is dangerously expensive and at the worst possible time in the nation's financial history.


Gallup Poll States Barack Obama Is Going To Lose The 2012 Presidential Election By A Landslide

Polls Concur Republican Candidates Are Rating More Favorably With The Public Than President Obama

Barack Obama's Reelection Campaign Being Harmed By Rising Gas Prices In America

Newt Gingrich Should Depart The Republican Race For President As He Is Messing With The Vote

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, who left in disgrace, should leave the republican race for the the nomination to run against President Obama in the upcoming election. Gingrich is splitting the vote and prolonging the process, with his presence in a race that is not going his way in any measure.

Some members of the public and political pundits believe, Gingrich is remaining in the race for dubious reasons. Currently, the delegate count stands at Mitt Romney, 563, Rick Santorum, 263, Newt Gingrich 135 and Ron Paul, 50. A candidate needs 1144 to win the nomination. Romney is the clear favorite, but Santorum would have a lot more votes than he currently does if Gingrich were not in the race.


Mitt Romney And Rick Santorum Beat Newt Gingrich In Two New Primaries

Rebekah Brooks Dangerously Tampered With National Security On Behalf Of Rupert Murdoch And News Corp

Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks

Previously the Judiciary Report stated Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is engaging in conduct that is a threat to national security (See: April 28. 2011 article Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping and the April 12. 2011 article Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister).

This week it was announced, the Metropolitan Police, who twice arrested Murdoch's top newspaper executive, Rebekah Brooks, interrogated her recently regarding bribing a high ranking Ministry of Defence government official, seeking scoops for the newspapers.

Coupled with all the illegal spying the Murdochs ordered be done on several British Prime Ministers, in addition to heads of state in other countries, such as America, Australia, Canada and Jamaica, it is undeniable News Corp is a menace that poses a threat to national security in several sovereign nations.

Rebekah Brooks and her husband Charlie Brooks

It's one thing when a journalist is given information regarding serious issues of misconduct by government officials, as seen in the Wikileaks scandal but to engage in bribing government officials to print national secrets in the paper for profit is wholly wrong.

[Article background: this is another in the series of phone hacking articles the Judiciary Report has published, regarding a scandal I broke first in October 2005, via a police complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England. 30 people have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police since the time I filed the complaint. However, the Murdochs and other key conspirators remain free and the FBI has not arrested anyone, though the crimes began and continue in News Corp's New York headquarters].


Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Politicians Take Obama To Task Over Granting Sony Access To National Secrets

How Can Rebekah Brooks Be The Daughter News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch Never Had

Former News Corp Employee Rebekah Brooks Accused Of Trying To Destroy Evidence Police Found

Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company

Rebekah Brooks Arrested And The Metropolitan Police Chief Resigns

News Corp's Rebekah Brooks Lied Under Oath

Rupert Murdoch Is A Liar And A Coward To Let His Employees Take The Fall For Him

Renewed Outrage In Britain Over Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Phone Hacking Mom Of Murdered Missing Girl


Brooks quizzed over MOD payments

UKPA) – 1 hour ago - Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has been questioned by police about payments to Ministry of Defence officials. She is understood to have been asked about evidence handed over by News Corporation's Management and Standards Committee.

Mrs Brooks' relations with top police officers and politicians have been called into question in recent weeks after it emerged that she "fostered" a police horse when it retired from active service in 2008. She paid food and vet bills until the animal, called Raisa, was rehoused with a police officer in 2010, months before fresh investigations began into illegal activities at the News of the World.

Whitney Houston Was A Walking Pharmacy With A Penchant For Cocaine Use Until The Very End

The Dangers Of Self-Medicating

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston, who died of cocaine use, heart disease and drowning, was a walking pharmacy. She had several drugs in her system when she died - namely cocaine and marijuana, which is sometimes mixed with toxic additives, in addition to pharmaceuticals Xanax, Flexeril and Benadryl, which all have a heavy sedative effect. In short, she was zonked. Flexeril is a muscle relaxer (which can relax the heart as well) and anti-anxiety drug Xanax, in tandem with the cocaine, gave her heart a beating it could not stand up to.

But this is the Hollywood lifestyle, where celebrities and executives take drugs to forget their problems and get high, which is their definition of partying. What some don't get is that in Hollywood drugs are seen as a good thing, something positive, when in actuality they are not. In Hollywood drugs are apart of the party...even if it kills you. Hollywood needs to change its attitude towards drugs and alcohol.


Coroner Rules Award Winning Singer Whitney Houston Died Of Cocaine Use, Heart Disease And Drowning

Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Is Said To Be Engaged To Adopted Brother Against Grandmother's Wishes

Reports Indicate Whitney Houston And Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Had The Same Drug Dealer

Oprah Winfrey's Interview With Whitney Houston's Family Confirmed A Few Items About The Days Leading Up To Her Death

Ray J And His Guilty Conscience Speak About The Death Of Whitney Houston

National Enquirer Publishes Whitney Houston Coffin And Death Photos

Pressure On Bobbi Kristina Brown To Look, Sing And Act Like Her Late Mother Whitney Houston

Will Bobbi Kristina Brown's Drug Use Spiral Out Of Control With The Death Of Her Mother

Whitney Houston's Family Needs To Hire A Law Firm And Accounting Agency For A Forensic Audit Of Her Finances

Whitney Houston's Ex-Husband Bobby Brown Left Her Funeral After A Dispute With Security

Whitney Houston Is The Latest Hollywood Star To Die Under Tragic Circumstances

Whitney Houston Back In Rehab As Daughter Is Arrested

Whitney Houston's Daughter Arrested For Drinking, Fighting And Gun Possession

Will Bobbi Kristina Brown Follow In Her Parents Footsteps

Report: Whitney Houston's Daughter Headed To Rehab

Lawyer Offering Bobbi Kristina Brown Secret Drug Video For Sale

Bobby Brown Denies Knowledge Of Daughter's Drug Problem

Bobbi Kristina Brown Underage Sex Tape Being Offered For Sale

Whitney Houston And Bobby Brown's Daughter Caught Snorting Cocaine On Camera

Whitney Houston's Daughter Betrayed By Ex-Boyfriend That Sold Cocaine Photos

Video Shows Hollywood Actor Tom Hanks Is A Racist Joking About Man In Blackface

Tom Hanks making jokes regarding man in blackface

The Judiciary Report has contended for years that Hollywood is racist, though it claims to be liberal and tolerant. Here's more proof. Academy Award winning Hollywood actor, Tom Hanks, attended a function at his children's Los Angeles based school St. Matthews and performed a skit with another parent, who was in blackface and jungle clothing, while holding his "trophy gorilla" - which is another slur for black people.

Tom Hanks making jokes regarding man in blackface holding his "trophy gorilla." For decades the word "gorilla" has been used as a nasty slur for black people.

This is extremely offensive to the black community, as it plays on decades old, nasty, untrue stereotypes alleging blacks are uncouth, brainless slaves and "jungle bunnies" as the slur goes. Hanks is seen smiling and joking in the video, indicating his approval of the disgusting, racially derogatory performance that would only be funny to narrow minded, pea-brained racists.

Rock singer Glen Frey also making jokes regarding man in blackface holding his "trophy gorilla"

Glen Frey, a member of the liberal rock band the Eagles, was also heard joking about the man in blackface, "This is as close to diversity as we’ll get at St Matthews." Mr. Frey is clearly a racist as well, as the Judiciary Report struggles to comprehend how any of this is even remotely funny. There is no question about it - their conduct was meant to be racist and was done with absolute forethought. This is outright racism and worse than what Rush Limbaugh says on air.


Tom Hanks, Glenn Frey in 2004: ‘Blackface,’ race jokes at fundraising auction [VIDEO]

Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network Is Expected To Lose $143,000,000 This Year

Network Failing In Ratings And Revenues

Oprah Winfrey

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey is struggling with very poor ratings at her OWN network, which is expected to lose "$143,000,000" this year. According to a Bloomberg report, the network is suffering from "miniscule" ratings, even though it has received "$312,000,000" in funding from parent company Discovery.

The network has not connected with the public and the majority of its shows are failing. Winfrey left prime time television to focus on the cable network, but it has not been her strong suit and is a costly venture. Recently, Winfrey axed the awful Rosie O'Donnell show, which received very low viewing numbers and laid off 30 people, including the company's Chief Financial Officer.


Discovery's Oprah Network to Lose $143 Million, SNL Kagan Says

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Killer George Zimmerman Exposed As A Violent Racist Who Called 911 To Report 'Suspicious Black Males' 49 Times In One Year

Trayvon Martin

ABC News aired a piece today on killer George Zimmerman, who murdered unarmed 17-year-old minor, Trayvon Martin. ABC News reported, Zimmerman was previously arrested for battery on a police officer and domestic violence. He was also referred to as "suspicious of black people" and made 49 calls to 911 in the course of one year, reflecting these racist beliefs.

At the 2:23 mark George Zimmerman says "fu*king coons"


By His Own Admission George Zimmerman Shot 17-Year-Old "Fu*king Coon" Trayvon Martin That "Ran" Away From Him

Reports Indicate Rapper Ray J Has Been Shopping Explosive Whitney Houston Sex Tapes For Cash

Shooter Called Unarmed 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin A "Fu*king Coon" Before Killing Him In Cold Blood

Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Was Killed For Being Black While Walking In Middle Class Neighborhood (Video)

Coroner Rules Award Winning Singer Whitney Houston Died Of Cocaine Use, Heart Disease And Drowning

Whitney Houston

The Los Angeles coroner's office has ruled today, the late, legendary singer, Whitney Houston, died at age 48 last month of cocaine use, heart disease and drowning. She was found dead in her bathtub at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on the eve of the Grammy Awards.

Marijuana, Xanax and Flexiril were also found in her system at the time of death. This confirms Houston did not kick her drug habit of smoking crack cocaine with marijuana rolled up in a joint. Houston referred to it as "rock cocaine" with "marijuana."

A week ago, on March 12, 2012, in the article Oprah Winfrey's Interview With Whitney Houston's Family Confirmed A Few Items About The Days Leading Up To Her Death, the Judiciary Report was correct in stating Houston was, "A prime candidate for cardiac arrest" if she underwent plastic surgery. Years of drug abuse damaged her heart and body in general.

This is such a waste of life and a tremendous talent. The irony is many more celebrities in Hollywood will die early deaths, decades earlier than they should have, due to regrettable choices they are making. So many of them have already died early over the past few years, due to the destructive decisions they have made.

How many more people in Hollywood will have to die before tinseltown gets the message to stop this destructive, ungodly behavior. What good is fame and money to people that have died decades early. It's not worth it.


Bobbi Kristina Brown Getting Engaged To Her Informally Adopted Brother Is Not The Best Way To Start Her Career

Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Is Said To Be Engaged To Adopted Brother Against Grandmother's Wishes

Reports Indicate Whitney Houston And Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown Had The Same Drug Dealer

Oprah Winfrey's Interview With Whitney Houston's Family Confirmed A Few Items About The Days Leading Up To Her Death

Ray J And His Guilty Conscience Speak About The Death Of Whitney Houston

National Enquirer Publishes Whitney Houston Coffin And Death Photos

Pressure On Bobbi Kristina Brown To Look, Sing And Act Like Her Late Mother Whitney Houston

Will Bobbi Kristina Brown's Drug Use Spiral Out Of Control With The Death Of Her Mother

Whitney Houston's Family Needs To Hire A Law Firm And Accounting Agency For A Forensic Audit Of Her Finances

Whitney Houston's Ex-Husband Bobby Brown Left Her Funeral After A Dispute With Security

Whitney Houston Is The Latest Hollywood Star To Die Under Tragic Circumstances

Whitney Houston Back In Rehab As Daughter Is Arrested

Whitney Houston's Daughter Arrested For Drinking, Fighting And Gun Possession

Will Bobbi Kristina Brown Follow In Her Parents Footsteps

Report: Whitney Houston's Daughter Headed To Rehab

Lawyer Offering Bobbi Kristina Brown Secret Drug Video For Sale

Bobby Brown Denies Knowledge Of Daughter's Drug Problem

Bobbi Kristina Brown Underage Sex Tape Being Offered For Sale

Whitney Houston And Bobby Brown's Daughter Caught Snorting Cocaine On Camera

Whitney Houston's Daughter Betrayed By Ex-Boyfriend That Sold Cocaine Photos

Ashton Kutcher Is Rubbing His Newly Found Freedom In Demi Moore's Face Having Sex With Many Women

Ashton Kutcher

As reported on the site earlier today, horny toad and Kabbalah member Ashton Kutcher, 34, had a late night visitor yesterday, namely promiscuous so-called singer, Rihanna, who has slept with other industry men for career advancement, such as Jay-Z, Kanye West, The Dream, Drake and J Cole. She's also slept with industry women like Madonna for career favors as well, namely stolen songs and a movie.


Rihanna, 24, is one of many women Kutcher has been having sex with since dumping his cougar wife, Demi Moore, 49, after six-years of marriage. For years the Judiciary Report credibly stated irresponsible Kutcher wanted out of the marriage, which made him feel trapped. Kutcher should not have married Moore, as he was not sincere in the way of a traditional marriage, nor was he in love with her. It was just a business deal for him.

Rihanna going into Ashton Kutcher's house last night, staying from 12:00AM to 4:00AM (Photo Credit: TMZ)

It was a marriage of convenience for Kutcher, providing career advancement in exchange for promoting the lawbreaking Kabbalah cult, who are now under criminal investigation in three nations for corrupt financial dealings and theft, among other things. However, for Moore it was a chance to boost her profile with the tall, young actor, but he never loved her. Along the way, she became obsessed with Kutcher, even hiring private investigators to stalk him everywhere and report all his movements back to her.

Demi Moore is embarrassed over Kutcher's brazen behavior

Moore became so depressed after Kutcher abandoned her for younger women, she ill-advisedly turned to drug use to forget and ended up overdosing, which required hospitalization and rehab. She was so embarrassed, she didn't even want to leave the house.

A bitter Demi Moore scowling in public last year during Kutcher's second sex scandal

Now comes another betrayal, as he is having sex with one of their fellow famous cult members, Rihanna, who will sleep with anyone if it helps her failing career. Rihanna better watch her back. Moore is known in Hollywood for being crazy and vindictive. She already has mental illness from Kabbalah, as does Rihanna. This is not a good combination. When will Kabbalah cult cougars like Demi Moore and Madonna learn, money can't buy love.

Moore photos of Kutcher going after other women:

Ashton Kutcher moments before hitting on woman in photo during a trip to Brazil

Ashton Kutcher flirting with co-star Lea Michele of his flopped film "New Years Eve"

Ashton Kutcher leaving the club with three women

Ashton Kutcher leaving a hotel with another blonde

Ashton Kutcher at the bar where he met mistress Sara Leal and her friends


Ashton Kutcher Has Been Spotted Canoodling With Another Woman

Ashton Kutcher Leaves Party With Three Women To Have An Orgy (Video)

Demi Moore Humiliated By How Ashton Kutcher Cheated And Moved On So Quickly

Ashton Kutcher's Mistress Sara Leal: Sexual Affair Cost Me My Apartment And Job

Ashton Kutcher Flirting With Women Everywhere While Demi Moore Remains Distressed

Rihanna Fans Are Threatening To Kill Chris Brown's Girlfriend Karrueche Tran

Cheating Chris Brown Is Punking Girlfriends Rihanna And Karrueche Tran

Rihanna Uses Mean Racial Slur In Reference To Chris Brown's Girlfriend Karrueche Tran (Photo)

Malawi To Pop Star Madonna Who Stole Financial Donations From Them: You Stink!

Madonna's Kabbalah Center Sends Racist Expletive Filled Email With The N-Word And Death Threats

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Madonna Putting Out A Perfume Is Ironic Because...

Madonna And Kabbalah Close Their Corrupt Charity Due To Criminal Investigation

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The Kabbalah Center Viciously Harassing And Threatening Jamaicans

Report: Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation

Madonna Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries & Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members

Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing Their Copyrights

Rihanna Had Sex With Ashton Kutcher And Was Spotted At His House Late Last Night

Demi Moore Will Be Ho-rrified!

Rihanna going into Ashton Kutcher's house last night (Photo Credit: TMZ)

Hollywood mattress Rihanna, 24, was spotted going into the bachelor pad of married, fellow Kabbalah member, Ashton Kutcher, 34, last night. Rihanna snuck into the property, but nosy TMZ caught it on camera/tape. TMZ states Rihanna was in Kutcher's house from 12:00AM - 4:00AM. Completely respectable hours (not).


It is common knowledge in the entertainment industry that the Kabbalah cult uses its younger members for sex, passing them around like a spliff (which is why they all have Herpes and the massive sores to prove it). They in turn get stolen songs, films and promo opportunities.

Ashton Kutcher

Kutcher is running away from his wife, actress and stalker, Demi Moore, 49, who has private investigators tailing him everywhere, while he tails young tails everywhere. Moore, who just got out of rehab, has been trying to patch up her marriage to Kutcher, but he has shown he could care less. Meanwhile, Rihanna is still strangely obsessed with womanbeater, Chris Brown. She is looking for ways to get back at him, for not dropping his other girlfriend Karrueche Tran, whom she terribly insulted with racial slurs. I was told Rihanna wants to marry Brown.


Rihanna Fans Are Threatening To Kill Chris Brown's Girlfriend Karrueche Tran

Cheating Chris Brown Is Punking Girlfriends Rihanna And Karrueche Tran

Rihanna Uses Mean Racial Slur In Reference To Chris Brown's Girlfriend Karrueche Tran (Photo)

Malawi To Pop Star Madonna Who Stole Financial Donations From Them: You Stink!

Madonna's Kabbalah Center Sends Racist Expletive Filled Email With The N-Word And Death Threats

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Madonna Putting Out A Perfume Is Ironic Because...

Madonna And Kabbalah Close Their Corrupt Charity Due To Criminal Investigation

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The Kabbalah Center Viciously Harassing And Threatening Jamaicans

Report: Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation

Madonna Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries & Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members

Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing Their Copyrights

TaxMasters Labeled A Money Stealing Scam Leading The Company To File Bankruptcy Due To A Massive Lawsuit

For years, Patrick Cox has run commercials on American television, proclaiming he can significantly cut people's tax debt with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, over 1,000 complaints to the Better Business Bureau, from consumers stating they have been fleeced out of thousands of dollars, paid up front to TaxMasters, for Cox to negotiate and resolve their tax debts, says otherwise.

Patrick Cox

On March 18, 2012 TaxMasters sought bankruptcy protection, filing Chapter 11, in an attempt to fend off a potential multi-million dollar court verdict against the company, regarding customers that have lost money using their service and gotten nowhere with the IRS in the process. Buyer beware.


More Information On The Obama Administration Using The IRS To Harass And Intimidate Politically Outspoken People

The Obama Administration Is Getting The IRS Sued For Using The Agency To Target And Terrorize Political Opponents

The IRS Is Woefully Late With Income Tax Returns Under The Obama Administration

resident Obama Abandoned The Buffett Rule Regarding Taxing The Rich

Millionaire Mitt Romney Agrees To Release His Tax Returns To The Public

Judicial Commission Rules Miami Judge Ana Maria Pando Violated The Judicial Cannons

Ana Maria Pando

This is a follow up to the February 23, 2012 article "Judge Ana Maria Pando Is Another Miami Judge Being Called Corrupt." The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission has ruled that Judge Ana Maria Pando violated the judicial cannons by, "'Lending the prestige of judicial office' to a friend who is the owner of several medical clinics that had appeared regularly before her." Previously, in a separate 2005 incident, Pando was fined $25,000 for accepting what was in essence bribes via "improper campaign donations."

I'm not surprised by this story. It has been my experience, as a victim of crime, both the justice and judicial systems do not work, due to corruption. It is undeniable at this point, as it has happened too many times.

Look what happened to 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. That could have been any black person. Martin was minding his own business, but was stalked, shot and killed. The authorities completely covered it up and incriminatingly refused for how long to release the 911 tapes. They continue to refuse to arrest his murderer George Zimmerman.

People have to be starting petitions and protests to bring attention to the terrible injustice of it all...and still no arrest. The public will never forget that, as Zimmerman should have been arrested weeks ago. The justice system has failed in that he has been free all this time and after the murder of a minor.

I can't say the corruption problem is relegated to Florida, as I've seen corruption come out of Atlanta, Georgia (Appeals Circuit) and Washington, D.C. (Supreme Court) as well, in addition to many cases all over the country I have covered for the website, which will be apart of my forthcoming book and indie film that I will start shooting this year (I don't need to go through Hollywood to get it done, released and out to a big audience).


State: Hialeah judge violated judicial canons


Judge Ana Maria Pando Is Another Miami Judge Being Called Corrupt

Miami Judge Sheldon Shelly Schwartz Evicted Disabled Family At Christmas And Should Be Voted Out

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Is Being Twisted And Misrepresented In The Murder Of 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin

Florida, among select other U.S. States, has a "Stand Your Ground" law, which allows one to use force, even deadly, to protect one's self from imminent danger. This is the defense of George Zimmerman, who murdered 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on a street in his dad's middle class, gated Sanford community.

Trayvon Martin

However, 911 tapes do not tell that story, neither do witness accounts. The tapes reveal a scared teenager, who is a minor under Florida law, being stalked, confronted, pushed to the ground and fatally shot, by an unhinged, raging racist, who referred to him as a "fu*king coon" in the audio recording. The law does not cover people chasing, confronting and then killing strangers or people they know on the street. That's called murder or an illegal execution.

At the 2:23 mark George Zimmerman says "fu*king coons"

The other racial undertone present in the case implies a young black man did not belong in a middle class gated community, as blacks are clearly too poor and violent in Zimmerman's estimation, to live in such nice places. After all, Zimmerman barked at unarmed, defenseless Martin, "What are you doing here?" The implication was Martin belonged in the ghetto and was somehow trespassing in the middle class neighborhood his dad lives and pays taxes. The stereotype of he is not a "rapper or athlete" so he couldn't possibly afford to be there is present in all its ugliness.


Shooter Called Unarmed 17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin A "Fu*king Coon" Before Killing Him In Cold Blood

Florida Teen Trayvon Martin Was Killed For Being Black While Walking In Middle Class Neighborhood (Video)