Senin, 28 November 2011

Beyonce Knowles Pregnancy Story Unravels Again With New Facts Indicating She Is Lying

Beyonce Knowles this month...during her alleged 6th to 8th-month of pregnancy

R&B copyright thief, Beyonce Knowles, is being slammed by a number of major blogs in another round of criticism, over her pregnancy being fake and completely staged. Bloggers are usually kind to pregnant women, giving them a pass websites to avoid the usual critiques.

However, Knowles has messed up so many times during her pretend pregnancy, even mainstream newspapers and news sites are reporting on the questionable inconsistencies and slip ups. Many believe Knowles pretending to be pregnant for publicity

Her most recently flub up was appearing on the Jimmy Fallon Show two weeks ago with a flat stomach, so she could gyrate around the stage in a skimpy outfit to promote her failed and flopped album "4." Knowles’ publicist, responding to massive criticism on Twitter against her client, told the public that she had taped the show 3-months prior. But even 3-months before the incident, Knowles was showing off a big belly bump, albeit prosthetic, at the MTV Awards.

Furthermore, Fallon sent out an item to people on his social networking page stating Knowles was there in the studio performing the weekend the program aired (not three months prior as her publicist claimed).

Fallon's show writing about Knowles' performance on November 11, 2011

Now comes word Knowles, who is followed by the paparazzi every single day, has not been to an obstetrician even once during her pregnancy, which simply is not done. It is being stated by other websites, all the buildings Knowles was photographed going into over the past few months, do not have medical offices in them.

Bear in mind, Knowles, who is now allegedly claiming to be 8-months pregnant, when earlier in the month it was said she is in her 6th month of pregnancy, reportedly has not seen an obstetrician even once! Not to mention, she has not really gained weight, just keeps sporting a shifting, bending, folding and creasing prosthetic baby bump. Even Victoria Beckham gained more weight during her pregnancy than Knowles has and she is anorexic.

The pregnancy due date was moved up to rush out another album early next year, seeking to capitalize on the birth of her surrogate’s baby - that she will pretend is her own.

A few of her supporters are claiming obstetricians could have come to her home as she is wealthy (from stealing copyrights). However, that claim is questionable. The machines required to do pregnancy scans are large and generally not portable for home use. Which obstetrician is going to lug scanning equipment weighing a ton and stir ups to a crazy star’s home.

It is also being publicly noted, Knowles has been flying on planes during her third trimester, which can cause problems during a pregnancy. None of the aforementioned facts look good regarding Knowles' behavior. As the Wendy Williams Show noted, Knowles is having the strangest pregnancy, voicing doubts she is even pregnant at all.


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