James Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch and Elisabeth Murdoch
In the Judiciary Report article The Daily Mail Is Actively Engaging In Hacking, Phone Hacking And Wiretapping dated November 30, 2011, I illustrated through the site and a clear cut example that phone hacking continues, via an item that has been read by many online.
Phone hacker Glenn Mulcaire
On November 15, 2011, the Metropolitan Police retracted a claim it made at beginning of the year, stating phone hacking ended in 2007, then 2009, after the original arrests made in 2006 (my police complaint that broke the story was made in October 2005). An article in the Independent indicates the misconduct carried on into this year. Sadly the practice continues at the hands of lawbreaking miscreants with no fear or consideration for the law.
Australian Senator States Rupert Murdoch's Son Was Present When News Corp Tried To Bribe Him
Australian Senator Comes Forward Stating Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Tried To Bribe Him
Rupert Murdoch Is Being Investigated By The Government For Using 'Mafia Tactics' On Rivals
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Is Under Investigation For Computer Hacking And Corporate Theft
Police Widen Rupert Murdoch News Corp Criminal Probe To Include Computer Hacking
Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing Their Copyrights
Britain's Prime Minister And Australian Politicians Denounce Rupert Murdoch And News Corp
Rupert Murdoch Defames Australia’s Prime Minister Then Retracts It After Legal Threat
Another Prominent Journalist Exposes Rupert Murdoch And News Corp For Stalking
Prominent Editor Accuses News Corp Of Stalking And Bullying People
Fox News Has A Secret Phone Hacking Department In The Building Says Former Employee
Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)
Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes
The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case
Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal
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